IACBS Accreditation

IACBS accepts new members, including educational institutions around the world. If you think that your degree program has the required quality, you can also apply for accreditation of your education program. Our organization resides in the United States, the state of Massachusetts, Cambridge.

The accreditation of our commission is one of the world-renowned. All our members must meet very strict criteria for accreditation. To obtain accreditation, it is necessary to maintain high standards for all educational programs of the educational institution in the long term.

Accredited Programs:

MBA – The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) is a master’s degree in business administration (management). The MBA degree originated in the United States in the early 20th century when the country industrialized and companies sought scientific approaches to management. The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, applied statistics, business communication, business law, finance, managerial economics, management, marketing and operations in a manner most relevant to management analysis and strategy. Most programs also include elective courses and concentrations for further study in a particular area. Most challenging and prestigious MBA concentrations include accounting and finance. MBA programs typically require completing nearly twice the amount of credits typically required for degrees that cover some of the same material such as the Master of Economics, Master of Finance, Master of Accountancy, Master of Science in Marketing and Master of Science in Management.

BBA – The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA or B.B.A.) is a bachelor’s degree in commerce and business administration. In the United States, the degree is conferred after four years of full-time study in one or more areas of business concentrations. In Europe, the degree is conferred after three years of full-time study in one or more areas of business concentrations. The BBA program usually includes general business courses and advanced courses for specific concentrations.

DBA – The Doctor of Business Administration (abbreviated DBA, D.B.A., DrBA, or Dr.B.A.) is a research doctorate awarded on the basis of advanced study and research in the field of business administration. Along with research skills the doctorate focuses on business intelligence and original theoretical study. The D.B.A. is a terminal degree in business administration, and is equivalent to the Ph.D in Business Administration. Along with the Ph.D, it represents the highest academic qualification in business administration. Successful completion of a D.B.A. or Ph.D in Business Administration is required to gain employment as a full-time, tenure-track university professor or postdoctoral researcher in the field. As with other earned research doctorates, individuals with the degree are awarded the academic title doctor, which is often represented via the English honorific “Dr.” or the post-nominal letters “D.B.A.”, “DBA”, “Dr.B.A.”, or “DrBA”.

LL.M. – The Master of Laws (M.L. or LL.M.; Latin Magister Legum or Legum Magister) is a postgraduate academic degree, pursued by those either holding an undergraduate academic law degree, a professional law degree, or an undergraduate degree in a related subject. In some jurisdictions the “Master of Laws” is the basic professional degree for admission into legal practice.

The beginnings of our activity date back to 1991, and we have over 25 years of experience and today we are a traditional and strong accreditation partner.

In case you are interested in becoming an accredited member please contact us. Very soon you will be taken by one of our experienced mentors and will gradually create a list of all the requirements for successful accreditation of your study program. Accredited membership is charged with US $ 300 per year.